P1 / P1 英文 / P2 / P2 英文 / P3 / P3 英文 / 英文 · May 5, 2024


今日想同大家分享呢本科學漫畫書 。之前都有谷友介紹過,佢係一本英文版嘅10萬個為什麼?但係呢本有趣的地方係佢會先以一個搞笑既漫畫故事作開頭帶出一條問題 。之後會有2頁簡短的science facts去解釋 。英文唔太深,初小都適合 。因為呢本以漫畫作開頭,所以感覺上會覺得嗰啲「為什麼」更加融入生活 。亦都係因為用漫畫形式表達,所以趣味性更高。

呢本係新加坡出版嘅科普書 。原價一套五本$360 。每本有9個漫畫故事加9個science facts。唔好睇佢好似每本得9個故事好似好少咁,故事的內容其實都好多樣化,有關於人體的,物理,化學,動物,植物……等。一本書,可以學到科學知識之餘,又可以學到英文。

團購價八折,只需💰 $288 (一套五本)

Happy Dragon Bundle 9 (#41-#45)
41. Why are there craters on the Moon?
42. Why do electric rays produce electricity?
43. Why do tanks have caterpillar tracks?
44. Why do firecrackers produce loud noises?
45. Why should we not eat too much fast food?
Happy Dragon Bundle 10 (#46-#50)
46. Why are monkeys able to eat fast?
47. why should we not pick a rabbit up by its ears?
48. Why are daffodils able to grow without soil?
49. Why are grape vines able to climb?
50. Why is an owl able to fly silently?
Happy Dragon Bundle 11 (#51-#55)
51. Why are bees able to identify their hives?
52. Why do planes leave behind a white trail in the sky?
53. Why is there a hole in the lid of a teapot?
54. Why do cars slow down when going uphill?
55. Why do raccoons like to wash things?
Happy Dragon Bundle 12 (#56-#60)
56. Why are octopuses able to squeeze through a small hole?
57. Why are some injections given in the arm?
58. Why do sharks not sink even without a swim bladder?
59. Why do pufferfish inflate into a ball?
60. Why are cats afraid of cucumbers?
Happy Dragon Bundle 13 (#61-#65)
61. Why should we not drink raw milk?
62. Why do rabbits eat their own faeces?
63. Why does the frog not sink into water when it sits on a lily pad?
64. Why do kissing fish kiss each other?
65. Why do we feel thirsty after eating ice cream?